Moorestown resident Roger L. Boyell shows off some of his
equipment at his office.
BCT staff photo: Larry Savich |
He solves Electronic Mysteries
By Noni Bookbinder Bell
Special to the BCT
Roger L. Boyell,
Forensic Analyst
Address: 416 Parry Drive, Moorestown, N.J. 08057
Owner: Roger L. Boyell
Employees: None
Telephone: 856- 234-5800
Fax: 856-234- 9539
E- mail: boyell@ieee.org
Web site: www.boyell.com
MOORESTOWN - In 1974, when President Richard Nixon handed
over tape recordings of his White House conversations, forensic
experts determined there were gaps in the tapes.
Their findings proved Nixon had instigated a
cover-up and obstructed justice from the outset of the Watergate
Twenty-five years later, the same type of
expertise is applied by Moorestown forensic analyst and consultant
Roger L. Boyell, who investigates and solves electrical and
electronic mysteries, and provides expert testimony in legal forums
throughout the Northeast.
In a recent case, Boyell was consulted to testify
on his analysis of a tape recording made at a public meeting.
"In another state, there was a public body which
made a zoning regulation which an individual is protesting. It's
costing the individual a lot of money. He wanted to build a plant,
and now he can't, and so the case is going to a higher court," he
said. "There is a question of exactly who said what in a public
"There is a gap in a very critical part of the
tape of that meeting, and my job is to find out how the gap got
there. The question is: Why and how did it happen, and was it
"It's a very elaborate case, now going to state
court, involving civil rights and zoning boards."
In another recent case, Boyell's expertise was
tapped when a huge industrial vertical door came crashing down
without warning on a forklift operator driving through the doorway.
Since nothing appeared to be wrong with the door's mechanicals of
the door, Boyell will determine if the electronic sensor system
failed or had a faulty design.
"My job is to find out what happened, what caused
the door to crash down abruptly at the wrong time, and why it
happened," he said. "My clients are lawyers and insurance companies,
and my work is the analysis of matters involving electronic and
communications systems."
Boyell provides site inspections, field
measurements, laboratory analyses, test reports, and technical
findings, he explained, with thorough documentation of results and
opinions, for civil, criminal, and patent cases. By assembling
crucial demonstrative evidence in the form of photographs, tape
playbacks, and equipment presentations, he helps piece together
electronic puzzles.
An electrical engineer who worked in the defense
industry, Boyell founded his forensic business armed with an
impressive list of credentials.
Besides holding a bachelor's degree in electrical
engineering from the University of Florida, Gainesville, Boyell also
holds a master's degree in Applied Science from Adelphi University,
Long Island, N.Y., and an MBA earned at Monmouth University in Long
A senior member of the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers, Boyell is also a fellow at the American
College of Forensic Examiners and a diplomate of the American Board
of Forensic Engineering and Technology.
"The best experts in the legal forum are those
who work for all sides and remain truly objective," said Boyell, who
since 1952 has authored hundreds of formal technical reports. Many,
he noted, are classified due to government security regulations or
corporate proprietary restrictions.
"The expert must be objective or he will not be
believed by the court," he said.
The 25- year Moorestown resident recalled how his
business started almost by accident 20 years ago as the result of a
traffic radar case.
"Somebody claimed that the radar was wrong, and
he asked me to look into it," said Boyell. "From my background in
radar in and radio, I found that the radar was indeed wrong, and he
was acquitted."
Boyell recently took his business full time,
relying on 30 years' experience in the defense and aerospace
industry. He worked for firms including Bendix Radio Division,
Baltimore; Sperry Gyroscope Co., Great Neck, N.Y.; Pennsylvania
Research Associates, Philadelphia; RCA Corp. Aerospace & Defense
Group, and Computer Sciences Corporation, Integrated Systems
Division the latter two in Moorestown.
In the field, he studied the capabilities and
limitations of advanced systems for detection, tracking,
communication, control, radar, sonar, and electronic
countermeasures. But it was his high school electronics hobby that
set him on the road toward engineering.
"I would build electronic devices; automobile
alarms and other gadgets," he said. "In high school, I made an
applause meter, so they could rate the performers in the school
play. Now, you see them all around, but that was 50 years ago."
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